Tag: Netsonic

Origins Of Common Internet Terms

Have you ever wondered where the internet terms blog, debugged and boot came from? Where did the internet terms blog, debugged and boot originate from? Debugged – The term debugging dates back to 67 years ago, when the first machine was debugged on September 9, 1947. The gargantuan Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator (one of the first…

Bare Metal Dedicated Server

What is a Netsonic Bare Metal Dedicated Server? A dedicated server refers to the leasing and exclusive usage of an entire server to one customer, housed within a secure facility.  Bare-metal servers also go by the name dedicated servers. A bare metal server holds only the bare bones; it does not include any software, preloaded…

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

National Cyber Security Awareness Month Every October National Cyber Security Awareness Month takes place. In 2004, the government began, to raise public awareness, about internet safety. Each October they educate on cyberspace security and draw attention to online threats. As the world continues to grow digitally, so does the vulnerability to cyber attacks. We are constantly facing…