Virtual Cloud Hostess With the Mostess

What is the virtual cloud? In an office building, you rent one private office, but have access to the shared resources within the building such as the bathroom, conference room, soda machine, etc. This is great! You don’t want to pay for your own building when you only need one small office space, but should…

Ware and Tear

Ransomware We’ve all heard of it, but do you really understand what it is? Ransomware is exactly what it sounds like, something valuable being essentially stolen and held hostage until a ransom is paid. Ransomware is a type of software that blocks users from accessing their own files and/or systems. The software continues to hold…

Be Faster Than Disaster

Disaster Recovery Did you know that 93% of businesses go bankrupt within ten days of significant data loss? Have you ever considered what you would do in the event of a disaster?  Do you have a plan?  How you backup your data?  Are you practice recovering the data according to your recovery plan?  If you…